For Members wishing to get a personalized coffee mug with our Logo, please contact Mike Arney. They are double wall stainless with 2 lids.

For Members wishing to get a personalized coffee mug with our Logo, please contact Mike Arney. They are double wall stainless with 2 lids.
March 23, 2020
Words by: Tom Harris
Photos by: Danise Cover
Our Hot rod community recently lost one of our own, a genuine hot rodder, Eddie Aston.Eddie, born and raised in Southern California, was involved in Hot Rodding as soon as he was able to drive, (and secretly before that). There are so many great stories of Eddie, including him hot rodding his dad’s brand new 56 Ford pickup to driving cross country with Jack Stewart in a 1923 Dodge roadster. Eddie and Joanne met in 1964, Eddie joined the LA Roadster club in 1965 and they married in 1966. Eddie’s family (his two children and wife of 53 years, Joanne), were always supportive and involved in Eddie’s hot rodding pursuits. Joanne even had a few Hot Rods of her own as daily drivers, like the Corvair with the chevy V8 in the front, ‘Old Hessie’ a 1956 Ford Truck and ‘Harriet the Charriot’ a 1951 Chevy Styleline coupe. Eddie started his professional career at the LA times (don’t tell his boss but Eddie even hot rodded his company car). In his professional life Eddie pursued a variety of careers, owning a mobile home park in Bend, Oregon and as a motor home company executive in Knoxville, Tennessee. Eddie and Joanne put together and held a large annual hot rod event in Bend that drew many in the hobby. Eddie at one time was the president of the LA Roadsters. Eddie’s taste in Hot rods ran the gamut from mild to wild, he loved being different. Eddie loved driving fast (hence the name Fast Eddie), being busy, and always ready to go at the drop of the hat.
Eddie was and will be remembered as a great friend and consummate Hot Rodder
We are the Phoenix, Arizona chapter of the Over The Hill Gang. Our club is dedicated to the promotion of the sport of street rodding and fellowship amongst our members. Our club meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of the month. If you are in the Phoenix area, please drop by and say hello!
If you wish more information on our club, please contact;
President – Russ Whitfeldt
Secretary – Teresa Way
If you have any problems or would like to provide feedback about this website please contact:
Webmaster – Al Turley
Hard to believe that this was the 25th edition of this car show. Over the years it has changed and evolved. It is one of the best shows that we regularly attend. This year Larry & Brenda Besore, Steve & Terri Besore, Steve & Cindy Bryant, Jerry Elliot & friend Julie Ann, Paul & Judy Nolte, Ken Schaff & Dee Giuntoli and Michelle and I. Page Barnes drove up with his daughter in the grocery getter.
The city of Winslow has a fairly large community of drag racers that support the show with their cars and participation.
On Friday afternoon they have a Poker Run which pays through the best 4 hands. $400, 300, 200 and 100.
Friday evening they have a Burn Out Contest which is always well attended. As it turns out Show Low was playing at Winslow and our granddaughter is the captain of the Show Low Varsity Spirit Line. After supper Mimi and I went to the Bulldog’s stadium to surprise her and see our girls perform. Shortly after we were in our seats the smoke from the Burn Out Contest had followed us! Most of the spectators from Show Low had no clue as to what was going on!
The awards were handed out on Saturday afternoon and several club members received recognition for their cars. Steve Besore also won the 50-50 and paid for his trip. In past years the Over The Hill Gang Phoenix club was a huge supporter of the show, This year we only had 7 cars at the show, kind of sad. Times change as do interests…
For the next three months Mimi and I will be involved in a lot of family activities which don’t allow much time for car shows. Hoping we can make a few shows in 2020.
Stay safe and have fun!
Every year we have the opportunity to celebrate Route 66 which tied our country together through the Great Depression, Dust Bowl and World War II. The Route 66 Fun Run covers a good portion of what remains of the “Mother Road”. Tom and Val Altgilber and Michelle and I are the only club members to make the run this year. Michelle and I travelled with a group of friends from the White Mountains. We drove our 56 Dodge and other than Rick and Dana Heck who drove their 34 Ford Cabriolet, everyone else drove a collection of Corvettes, Mustangs, a Porsche, Mercedes and a Hellcat Charger.
We drove over to Williams on I40 on Friday and spent the afternoon being tourists in all of the shops that line Route 66 in Williams. Stopped at Cruisers for refreshments and stuck around for dinner. Williams is a great little town, if you have a chance be sure to attend their car show later this year.
On Saturday AM we drove down to Seligman where the official start of the cruise is held. The town was full of car groups staging for the cruise. Several groups from various countries rent new performance cars, for the run. One of the largest groups this year was from Australia, decked out in various Mustang GTs.
Our 1st stop on the cruise was at Peach Springs, which is the jumping off point for trips to Hualapai in the Grand Canyon.
After Peach Springs we stopped at the Hackberry, AZ General Store for lunch, and looking at all the memorabilia that the owner has collected. We then headed down 66 to Kingman to take in the car show and spend the night. While at Hackberry we met up with Tom and Val Altigibers and had a nice visit with them.
On Sunday we made our way down to Oatman, stopping a Cool Springs on the way, again a place filled with great memories of the Mother Road. As usual, Oatman was a madhouse with cars, motorcycles, pedestrians and of course the local Donkey herd who have the run of the town.
After Oatman the cruise continues on to Topock, AZ which is the end and where they pass out the awards. Our group from Show Low, headed north on US95 to Laughlin NV, where we spent the night. Rick Fernau signed us up for a Show at the Riverside. The show was three very funny and talented musicians from the group Ole’. It was literally a 90 minute ROFL…
All in all, a low key fun filled weekend. My kind of car show…
Until the next time,
After the club’s breakfast putt to the Crosswinds Restaurant in Payson, Michelle and I followed Paul and Judy’s cabin in Pine to see his enlarged work shop and the 1956 Nash Rambler hardtop project that is nearing completion. It is powered by a 350 SBC/Turbo 350 set up. Paul has tried to keep all the neat Rambler bits and pieces. It is painted in a nice ivory over beige tutone.
1956 Rambler Hardtop
It should make a really nice cruiser, when he gets it done.
Another great Just Cruis’n Car Show in Winslow! The weather was exceptional, the organization and attention to detail was again very well handled by the Host Club. This was the 24th year for the show and it drew a record 217 participants. Sad to say but our club participation was down from past numbers, having said that, the ones who did make the trip had a great time.
Making the trek up to the High Country this year were Page & Linda Barnes, Dave & Ann Bennett, Ron & Carol Boen, Steve & Cindy Bryant, Ken & Dee Schaaf and Larry & Sandie Wibeto. Steve & Terri Besore and Michelle & I drove over from Show Low.
One of the things that I have always enjoyed about the Winslow Show has been the large number of drag cars that the show pulls. Winslow has a good sized racing community that turn out and support the show. The Junior Dragrace program is also a big part of the car hobby in Winslow that is supported by the kid’s family and friends.
The gang did quite well at the Awards. Ken & Dee won $100 in the Poker Run, while the rest of us all received awards for our cars.
The La Posada Hotel ( was the last of the Fred Harvey hotels and restaurants built along the Santa Fe Railway in the western US. It was designed by Mary Colter, one of the finest architects in the west. It was opened in 1930 and lasted until 1957. Passenger air travel had replaced the passenger trains. Interstate 40 was nearing competition and would bypass Winslow and La Posada which were located on the Mother Road Route 66. The current owners acquired the property in the early 1990s, and began restoring it one room at a time. As soon as a room was finished they would add it to the hotel.
In the early 2000s the Just Crusi’n Car Show was located at the hotel. On the car show weekend The OTHG Phoenix would end up renting almost all of the available rooms. On Saturday nights we would have a theme party in reception lobby. Always a great time for everyone.
After several years the car show was moved down town to its current location. This was during the Great Recession of 08-09, which took its toll on the car hobby. The local club and its supporters kept after it, have built the show to one of the best small downtown venues that I have attended.
This year we decided to stay at the La Posada for old times sake. We found it to be better than ever. This year we had a room in the part of the hotel that once housed the Santa Fe Railway offices. I have posted a lot of photos from the early days that will give you an idea what the original hotel looked like. Here are some photos of the newer area where we stayed… brought back many many good memories.
Until next time Safe Travels and Good Times!
Thank you to Danise Cover for suppling the photos of the putt!
Our May Breakfast/Lunch Putt was on Saturday, May 19, 2018; Roadmasters were Steve and Pam Graves, and the restaurant was Anthem Grille at Poston Butte Golf Course.
The Gang met at The Slab, 1945 E. Baseline, Gilbert, AZ 85234(parking lot of McDonald’s, intersection of Gilbert & Baseline) promptly at 9:45 am for the restaurant (with a gas and “go” at the Frys station/McDonalds in the parking lot).
After brunch, the Gang headed over to the Graves place for a little dessert .