2018 Goodguy’s Southwest Nationals

Westworld – Scottsdale
November 16-18, 2018

This had to be one of the largest Goodguys shows at Westworld. On Friday the Polo field was 3/4 full as were all of the places on the asphalt around the Big Tent. On Saturday everything was full! This maybe due in part to the fact that Goodguys raised the age of the cars up to and including 1987, a move not well supported by some of our club members. The Swap Meet was by far and away the largest one yet. Bob Kerkle sold out all of the original 500 spaces, found an additional 50 and sold them out as well…   

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2018 Southwest Nationals Swap Meet

 There also was a record number of vendors in the Big Tent and down on asphalt lot below the Big Tent. I didn’t have a chance to go through the vendor area down on the asphalt, but did spend good deal of time inside the tent looking at the displays and chatting with the folks working the booths. Allways had a display of four 1937 Fords that were owned by one customer. The beige 5 window coupe was extraordinary. Powered by a Ford Coyote 5.0, it took a lot of careful design work to put that wide engine into the narrow engine compartment of a 37! Rumor had it that over $400k was spent on the build…  

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Vendor Displays

For Saturday the club met at registration, at 6:15 AM and we all went in together so that we could park together. We parked midway down the field and close to the Swap Meet. Paul, Bob and Greg had spaces in the Swap Meet and all three did quite well selling most all of what the had brought in.

Dan Burdett brought coffee and donuts for Saturday morning, unfortunately the Scottsdale Police came by and told us that it was against the rules to bring in any kind of potluck, BBQ, cans or bottles. All food and drink was to be purchased at one of the food vendors. Everyone had brought in food for the pot luck lunch which we had surreptitiously so as not to call the attention of the considerable number of Scottsdale Police Officers. 

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Club Cars Attending the Show…
Sorry Steve Besore I did not see your Chevy Truck!

That about sums it for this time.  With all of the negative changes that have been made to this show I am beginning to question the value of these shows to the folks with prewar hotrods and customs.