American Legion Hall, Sun City, AZ
December 7, 2024
We had 39 members attend the party at the American Legion Hall in Peoria this year. There was a special group who showed up early to move tables & chairs, cover the tables and decorate. Thanks to all those who helped make it happen. Our usual band, the Reboot, played and sung a large variety of western, swing and pop music. The food was handled by Pablo and his people. The report was very positive & nobody went home hungry. Our timing was lucky, since the staff children’s party was just before ours, they had decorated the entire room with the Polar Express theme, including a train, lights, trees & other cool stuff. That was a big help for the setup crew. ( Note for next year to schedule the same time) Sharon Murray spent many hours hand making the center piece decorations. The person with the special Santa sticker under their chair, took home the center piece for their table. We discovered how may kids we have in the club, as they all wanted to be photographed on the train. In all, it was nice to see everyone enjoying themselves and sharing their stories and showing off their favorite Christmas outfit.
Writeup by Phil Murray
Pictures by Danise Cover & Al Turley