For Members wishing to get a personalized coffee mug with our Logo, please contact Mike Arney. They are double wall stainless with 2 lids.

For Members wishing to get a personalized coffee mug with our Logo, please contact Mike Arney. They are double wall stainless with 2 lids.
March 3, 2021
We had a great turn-out for the March 3rd, 2021 OTHG – Phoenix business meeting. It was a very windy day but that didn’t deter us from an enjoyable time to get together at City of Phoenix Cactus Park. It is a really nice park with mature trees, a big parking lot and washrooms. Our new VP, Dawn Yex, did a great job presiding at her very first meeting of the club for this new year, with the assistance of grandsons, Charlie and Carter, who picked the winning car (“the orange car with flames”…AKA Steve Besore’s new ride) for the “drive-your-car” prize. Some of the women were sporting our new brown club shirts. As you can see, we had a feast afterwards with the club providing Italian sandwiches from Captain Bill’s Subs and the club members didn’t disappoint with their added side dishes and abundance of desserts! There were 47 members and 2 guests in attendance. Fun was had by all, in spite of the heavy winds!
Write up by Betty Bailey
Photos by: Betty Bailey and Danise Cover